Werewolf shirts you need to own

productimage-picture-the-slaughtered-lamb-58Do you like werewolves? Are you tired of vampires stealing all the sartorial elegance? Never fear. What you need are a few snazzy, sharp, fangs-and-fur t-shirts to liven up your wardrobe. There are many lycanthropic tees out there, but here, for a start, are my choices for werewolf shirts you need to own…

Werewolf in uniform: WolfCop seeks fan support

WOLF COP_OnlineNo, it’s not a new officer of the Saskatoon Police Service’s canine unit, but you could be forgiven for thinking that at first glance of Lou Garou, the main character in Canadian werewolf movie WolfCop.

A werewolf in cop’s clothing, Garou (played by Leo Fafard) is the brainchild of filmmaker Lowell Dean. Garou hits the bottle a bit too hard occasionally, so he’s used to not remembering where he’s spent his nights. But now, instead of just waking up with a hangover, he finds himself investigating crime scenes that seem a little too familiar.

The tagline for WolfCop, which currently only exists as a trailer (see below), is “Dirty Hairy… only hairier.”

Why I’ll never pants a novel again

Saas bondage pants
Never pants a novel. Don’t even shirt one. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When it comes to writing a novel, there are two schools of thought:  you can plot it out first with an outline, or you can just wing it, writing by the seat of your pants.  I’ve always been a pantser.

But after years of endless revisions to a novel I started in 2003, I decided to give outlining a try.  And I’ll never pants a novel again.

Vikings: A TV series worth watching, by Thor

Stop me if you've heard this one before: a crew of vikings walks into a monastery... (History Channel)
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a crew of vikings walks into a monastery… (History Channel)

Perhaps we can thank the success of lavish historical dramas such as Rome or the high-fantasy overtones of Game of Thrones for the newest kid on the swords-and-intrigue block, Vikings. The series premières March 3 at 10 p.m. (ET) on the History Channel.

An Irish/Canadian co-production, Vikings tells the story of ambitious Norseman Ragnar Longbrok (Travis Fimmel), who, in the year 729, defies Earl Haraldson (Gabriel Byrne) by secretly refusing to go raiding to the east in Russia. Ragnar tells his brother there’s no point pillaging the same settlements who are just as poor as they are. It’s based loosely on the exploits of the real Ragnar, who became a renowned chieftain.

Metal Monday: Iron Maiden’s Dance of Death

Cover of "Dance of Death"

Few bands besides KISS and Iron Maiden are known more for their iconography than their music.

KISS may have transformed their fans’ nostalgia into big bucks, but as Maiden show on Dance of Death, they seem to want to prove their fans right in thinking they are still relevant.

Bear stories and werewolves: This is My Canada

Black BearI was tagged by Mariellen Ward for This is My Canada (thanks also to Pamela McNaughtan), and for those of you who don’t know, bloggers taking part post on five things they love about this country.

As someone who’s grown up in Manitoba and Alberta, and visited at least six provinces, I can tell you a few things. Not many, but at least five.

So: this is my Canada.