Metal Monday: Faster Pussycat’s Faster Pussycat

Faster Pussycat (album)

If you want to understand why glam metal was so popular in the late ’80s, you should listen to a band that had more bite than Poison and better sense of the absurd than Cinderella, which is to say: Faster Pussycat.

Named for the Russ Meyer movie Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill! the band was just as ludicrous and awesome as its namesake. On its debut album, the band is rough, cocky and a hell of a lot of fun, whether their lyrics are making sense or not.

All the fireworks: As You Were’s 2012 stats

If you’re a nerd like me, you can’t get enough of infographics and stats. (This doesn’t, by the way, mean I understand Google Analytics any better than you. Probably less.)

So I was a bit disappointed when I got a year-in-review animated report from on my blog — which only included data from my time hosted on their site. All the data and stats from when I moved to a self-hosted site in May were not included, so for the report to be all rah-rah about my meagre posts and hits for the few months I was with them was a bit anticlimactic.

I was quite happy, then , to see a separate report generated from my Jetpack stats from my version of As You Were on my self-hosted site.  Far more impressive, even if it excluded all the data from the earlier version!  Nuts. Well, maybe by the end of 2013 I’ll have a nice, unified animated report.

I realize I’ve lost nearly all of you by this point, and only the data and stats nerds have hung around. You lucky dogs, you: you can take a gander at my 2012 report right here.


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Thunder God Thursday: Trust Odinn

OK, fine, we all know Odinn (Óðinn) isn’t the god of thunder; that would be his son, Thor. But I have loved this meme pic since I first saw it on Facebook. Not much to add, other than: this is clearly an Allfather you can trust.

Trust Odinn

2012: What a year it’s been

werewolfUsually by this point in the holiday season (and the year) I am totally exhausted, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank you all for being part of my first year of blogging here at As You Were.

I started in February with a site, and started connecting with great bloggers such as Offer Kuban (wonderful writing on wine and travel), sj (brilliantly booksnobby), Amy (hilarious and with many deep thoughts), Andreas (witty and smart scientific posts), and The Booksluts (who very patiently bore with me as I tried to figure out WordPress.) (Actually, I’d say that goes for everyone who stops by here.)

Metal Monday: Merry Christmas from The Darkness

Okay, this isn’t a new song, but it is Christmas, and it’s miles better than just about everything on the last heavy metal Christmas CD I listened to. I present The Darkness with “Christmas Time (Don’t Let the Bells End).”

If you’re not a fan of The Darkness (recently reunited with a new album out… which is on my Christmas list), then please, click on, click away, hit your back button, or read what I’ve been saying about hobbits.

But, if you’re tired of sappy-sweet Christmas tunes (and as much as I love some of them, you do reach the point of total saturation), here’s something nonsensical, melancholy, loud, and more than a bit goofy.

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A good year for women werewolves

Anathema No 3It’s fair to say 2012 has been great for women werewolves. Lycanthropes have also had some ups and downs in literature and pop culture this year; and as for gatherings of werewolf fans, there was one disastrous convention and one that was quite good.