All the fireworks: As You Were’s 2012 stats

If you’re a nerd like me, you can’t get enough of infographics and stats. (This doesn’t, by the way, mean I understand Google Analytics any better than you. Probably less.)

So I was a bit disappointed when I got a year-in-review animated report from on my blog — which only included data from my time hosted on their site. All the data and stats from when I moved to a self-hosted site in May were not included, so for the report to be all rah-rah about my meagre posts and hits for the few months I was with them was a bit anticlimactic.

I was quite happy, then , to see a separate report generated from my Jetpack stats from my version of As You Were on my self-hosted site.  Far more impressive, even if it excluded all the data from the earlier version!  Nuts. Well, maybe by the end of 2013 I’ll have a nice, unified animated report.

I realize I’ve lost nearly all of you by this point, and only the data and stats nerds have hung around. You lucky dogs, you: you can take a gander at my 2012 report right here.


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2012: What a year it’s been

werewolfUsually by this point in the holiday season (and the year) I am totally exhausted, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank you all for being part of my first year of blogging here at As You Were.

I started in February with a site, and started connecting with great bloggers such as Offer Kuban (wonderful writing on wine and travel), sj (brilliantly booksnobby), Amy (hilarious and with many deep thoughts), Andreas (witty and smart scientific posts), and The Booksluts (who very patiently bore with me as I tried to figure out WordPress.) (Actually, I’d say that goes for everyone who stops by here.)

Welcome to the new site

I promise, there will be more to come soon.  For those of you migrating over from the previous site for As You Were, you’ll find all the articles and comments originally posted there are now here.  If you’ve never been, welcome to the site — hope you enjoy what you see here, and more is on the way soon — blog tours, interviews, and book reviews. Thanks for stopping by!

Coming soon: Werewolf tunes and Metal Queens

Hoo boy, it’s going to be a busy week here at As You Were.  We will of course be celebrating Werewolf Wednesday on said day, but we have another guest post coming up, this time courtesy of prolific horror writer and editor (and metal fan) Armand Rosamilia.

On Wednesday, we’ll be looking at the top werewolf tunes out there.  Yes, I know you all have your opinions and will be full of outrage that I gave your favourite short shrift.

Don’t worry, you can have your say, too!  I’ll be posting my first-ever poll on Wednesday, so you can weigh in and vote (and, if I’ve done it correctly, add your own favourite) for the best werewolf song.

Despite what you might think, I was able to pull together a list BEYOND Ozzy’s “Bark At the Moon” — and turned up some selections that may surprise you.

Then, without even blinking, Thursday will feature Armand’s guest post as part of his Dying Days zombie blog tour.  But since he knows of As You Were’s affinity for the heavier side of music, he’ll be devoting his post to the known and lesser-known hard-working women  in metal, which is the subject of another of his book series, Metal Queens. Not enough, you say?  Well Armand will also be giving away two ebook volumes of Metal Queens as part of the post — making this the first giveaway ever on As You Were. It’s a week of firsts!

So: don’t forget to stop back on Wednesday for some great (and diverse) lycanthropic music, and then return Thursday for some metal madness. Metal horns: m/

Coughing and sputtering to life

At long last, I join the early 2000s by starting a blog.  This, from someone who didn’t even buy a CD player until 1998.  So I’m not an early adopter!  Sue me!  🙂

Check back soon — more to come, and, I promise, an actual theme.