News, interviews and more

David on busJust a quick roundup of what I’ve been up to, writing-wise, this time; though between acceptance into an anthology I really wanted to get into, interviewing many creative folks about an iconic Canadian superhero, and being interviewed myself (twice!) I guess it’s been a busy month.

Tesseracts 17 launches online at Bitten By Books

Tesseracts-17Howdy!  In case you’ve been waiting to get a look at Tesseracts 17, the book launches today (woohoo!). Even better, if you like to hobnob/pester/lurk near authors, Bitten By Books is hosting an online launch in which writers included in the annual anthology of Canadian speculative fiction will be available to chat with visitors and answer questions. Also, if you like free books, there’s a chance to win $50 Amazon gift card.

The event is now live and you can see what’s going on by clicking here.

I’ll be taking part after 2:30 p.m. Central Time, but I’ll try to pop in before then as well.  The event runs until noon Thursday. Hope to see some of you stop in and say hi!


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